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Understanding Functional and Non-Functional Requirements in Software Engineering

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Introduction to Requirements in Software Engineering

In the realm of software engineering, defining the requirements is a crucial step in the development process. Requirements elicitation aims to gather all necessary information to ensure that the software will meet the stakeholders’ needs. These requirements are generally categorized into functional and non-functional requirements, which play distinct roles in the software lifecycle.

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements specify what the software system should do. They define functions, features, and operations that the software must be able to perform. For instance, in a banking application, a functional requirement might specify that the software should allow users to check their account balance or transfer funds. During the analysis phase, it’s essential to clearly document these functional requirements to avoid ambiguities later in the project.

Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements, on the other hand, describe how the software performs its functions. These can include performance metrics, security standards, and usability criteria. For example, a non-functional requirement for the same banking application may specify that the user interface should load within three seconds. Identifying non-functional requirements requires a different approach in requirements elicitation compared to functional requirements, as they are often more abstract and qualitative.

Significance of Both Requirements

Both functional and non-functional requirements are vital for creating robust software systems. While functional requirements affect the core functionalities and capabilities, non-functional requirements ensure that these functionalities are delivered efficiently and satisfactorily. A well-conducted analysis incorporating both types of requirements can significantly enhance the overall quality of the software.


Understanding the distinction between functional and non-functional requirements is imperative for any software engineering project. Properly defining and documenting these requirements through a comprehensive requirements elicitation process helps in building a software solution that not only performs its intended functions but also meets user expectations in terms of performance and usability.

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